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These pages under the "Consult/Speak" tab are for those interested in my work outside of the university. This work currently consists of public speaking, and serving on the Board of Directors of a local nonprofit. 


I am a cosmologist, physicist, teacher, public speaker, and data analysis consultant with over 20 years of experience analyzing and interpreting data, predicting cosmological signals, and motivating new astronomical observations.


I was selected as a Fellow of the American Physical Society in 2013 with the citation, "For motivating major observations (WMAP and Planck), developing widely-using data analysis tools, providing insightful interpretations of data, and calculating the impact of astrophysical processes on the microwave sky. He currently leads the US Planck team estimating cosmological parameters, and works with the South Pole Telescope team measuring signals he predicted over the past 15 years."

Image credit: Lezlie Sterling (Sacramento Bee)

I am a frequent public speaker with past engagements such as Wonderfest in Berkeley, TEDxDavis, the McMaster Cosmology Lecture Series, the Extreme Screen at the Center of Science and Industry in Columbus, Ohio, and the Silicon Valley Astronomy Lecture Series.


I serve on the board of a nonprofit, the Yolo Food Bank, because I am moved by the challenges faced by the 1 in 4 children in our county that are classfied as "food insecure." This is a tragedy, made all the more difficult to tolerate by our agricultural abundance. The good news is we have a great organization, YFB, doing great things to move us toward the elimination of hunger and malnutrition in Yolo County. With the help of our partner agencies, we deliver 4 million pounds of food every year to over 20,000 recipients.

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